Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This is the department of health in Lesotho, and looking down on some of the other goverment buildings in Maseru, the capital of Lesotho. it was here that the Lesotho Nursing Council launched it's manual on nursing procedures for all hospitals in lesotho, to standardise the level of nursing care in the country. This is possibly a first in Africa if not in the world - well done Lesotho! There is actully a drive to improve on quality assurance in medical care in the country. This is being driven by the Lesotho-Boston Health Alliance, where Boston University is liasing with and guiding local health workers in quality assurance programmes, problem solving, and leadership development. Medical students from Boston University get to do their electives here at various hospitals in Lesotho, including Maluti. There is also a continuous nursing education programme, and monitoring of nursing records. Every Monday here at Maluti we have a 'nursing round' where nurses on duty gather in a selected unit in the hospital to study and discuss a particular case of interest. Then on Tuesdays, we have a class covering a particular nursing procedure from the nursing manual. The same topic is covered for a month, to enable as many nurses possible to attend. Some may be of duty on that day or on night shift, so the following week they may have the opportunity to attend. We have a little incentive for attendance... each nurse that arrives in class gets a treat; this month we're doing CPR, and the nurses get a chocolate at the end of the lecture/practical... after they've written their post test:-)

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